Outreach Mental Health Support

Outreach Mental Health Support Service (Outcome focused)

Our Friendly dedicated management team has over twenty years’ experience in the field of social care and community based Mental Health services. Our referral process is inclusive, working through the local council, direct payments team, NHS Trust and private referrals. We will not begin services without a full risk assessment and a customer bespoke care plan. Once we receive a referral, our coordinator will arrange a meeting with the customer and other advocates including any professional from the multidisciplinary teams i.e. a social worker or a CPN at their home so we can introduce ourselves and discuss services with the customer.

The services are tailored according to the individual needs of each person, which are discussed with them at the introduction meeting, including consideration for a gender specific worker or specific cultural and language skills.

The service emphasises on supporting services users to achieve a desired or the best outcomes helping to improve their quality of life and wellbeing. Recovery support team will also work with customers to measure outcomes and review this on an annual basis.


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